WAIV Aerospace designs aircraft structure and tooling. Our structures expertise includes design of metallic and composite structure for new aircraft and for modification of existing aircraft. Our tool design expertise covers the spectrum of tooling used in fabrication, assembly, and installation. We provide a full range of configuration, layout, design, drawing release, manufacturing support, and project management for our client’s projects.
Our structures, and parts built from our tooling, are incorporated worldwide on business jets, military aircraft, helicopters, and Boeing and Airbus commercial aircraft. Master dimension surfaces created by WAIV for many aircraft define a range of interior cosmetic and exterior aerodynamic parts. WAIV also designs test equipment, fixtures and test setup as needed to prove our client’s structure.
Clients include GKN Aerospace Structures, Aviation Partners Inc, Hexcel Structures, Aviation Partners Boeing, Parker Aerospace, FACC Aerostructures, Janicki Industries, Machinists Inc, Motion Control Systems, AeroTEC, Teague (Aviation Studios Division), inVision Composites, Park Aerospace, and Reuther Mold.